Steven J. Thompson is a writer, spoken word artist and poet residing on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. He was a participant in the 2007 CBC Poetry Face-off and his poetry has appeared in Canadian publications such as Oratoriallis. Steven has performed at festivals and events across Canada, including The Canadian Festival of Spoken Word and The Calgary International Spoken Word Festival. He is a graduate of the Banff Spoken Word Program at the Banff Centre for the Arts. Steven is the cofounder of the Tongues of Fire Spoken Word Series in Victoria, British Columbia.
We split the Bermuda sand in half.
I kept the same jar,
to house my remaining share.
Phantom sand lingers.
Now Bermuda
is broken in half
using wishbone rules,
as if it were a toss-up
as to who got the better tourist attractions.
I haven’t mentioned you.
But I can tell by their expressions
that my table companions detect the movement of your shadow
as I tell them my travel stories over drinks.
The vacations
have been cropped,
and put back in the album.
—‘Beautiful, but where’s the other half of the kayak?’
—‘Or the back end of the scooter you’re sitting on?’
—‘Who’s splashing water at you in that swimming hole?’
But in one photo
I’ve accidentally left a hand
that rests on my bare shoulder
a phantom limb lingers.
Pour citer cette page
Steven J. Thompson, « Phantom Sand », MuseMedusa, no 8, 2020, <> (Page consultée le setlocale (LC_TIME, "fr_CA.UTF-8"); print strftime ( "%d %B %Y"); ?>).
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Zoé Rose (extrait)