Adèle Barclay’s writing has appeared in The Fiddlehead, The Puritan, PRISM, The Literary Review of Canada, and elsewhere. She is the recipient of the 2016 Lit POP Award for Poetry and the 2016 Walrus Readers’ Choice Award for Poetry and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her debut poetry collection, If I Were in a Cage I’d Reach Out for You (Nightwood, 2016), was nominated for the 2015 Robert Kroetsch Award for Innovative Poetry. She is the Interviews Editor at The Rusty Toque, a poetry ambassador for Vancouver’s Poet Laureate Rachel Rose, and the 2017 Critic-in-Residence for Canadian Women in Literary Arts. She holds a PhD in English from the University of Victoria and researches modern and contemporary American poetry.
Fish moon on Sunday—
I burn a floating candle
for eclipse season, what light
looks like when it’s scarce,
write arrivals are also departures
with intention. Neptune tells me
this fever is real and imaginary,
paints my dreams new colours:
lilacs on fire, percussive forest,
blue that blushes, pepper rose.
Tonight all the witches will cast spells
against Trump. I’m not sure
I want to bind my magic to him
or the snow that has visited
the Pacific Northwest this winter.
Yesterday on the train, a man
told me he could see my pussy
and that a porno shop across
from a school ain’t right.
In a room full of white queers
I feel the paradox of power
and pray I have the grace to rise up
whatever that means. I’ll meet you
by a lake and we’ll swear
this fever isn’t a dream.
Pour citer cette page
Adèle Barclay, « Spell for Pisces New Moon », MuseMedusa, no 5, 2017, <> (Page consultée le setlocale (LC_TIME, "fr_CA.UTF-8"); print strftime ( "%d %B %Y"); ?>).
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Veux-tu être mon sorcier ?[/ezcol_1half_end]